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Terms and Policies

Updated October 13 2023


Dezamarket is committed to maintaining a safe and enjoyable online marketplace for our users. To ensure a positive experience for everyone, we have established the following policies that apply to products listed and sold on our platform. By using Dezamarket, you agree to abide by these policies, as well as all applicable laws and regulations.

Compliance with Our Policies

All products listed and sold on Dezamarket must comply with our Commerce Policies. We also expect our users to adhere to our Community Standards, which are designed to foster a respectful and inclusive online environment. Failure to comply with our policies may result in various consequences, including, but not limited to:

  • Removal of listings and other content
  • Rejection of product tags
  • Suspension or termination of access to Dezamarket

Responsibility of Buyers and Sellers

Buyers and sellers on Dezamarket share the responsibility of maintaining a safe and trustworthy marketplace. It's important to conduct your transactions in accordance with the law and our platform's policies. By participating in Dezamarket, you agree to:

  • Provide accurate and honest information in your listings
  • Treat other users with respect and professionalism
  • Comply with all relevant local, national, and international laws and regulations

Prohibited Content 🚫

Any items and services that fall under the following categories are strictly prohibited on Dezamarket. Listings that violate these guidelines will be removed:

  1. Community Standards: Listings must adhere to our community standards.

  2. Adult Products: Listings may not promote the buying, selling, or use of adult products.

  3. Alcohol: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of alcohol.

  4. Body Parts and Fluids: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of human body parts or fluids.

  5. Digital Media and Electronic Devices: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of devices that facilitate unauthorized streaming of digital content or interfere with electronic device functionality.

  6. Discrimination: Listings must not discriminate against individuals based on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, and more. They must comply with all applicable anti-discrimination laws.

  7. Documents, Currency, and Financial Instruments: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of real or fake documents, currency, financial instruments, or virtual currency.

  8. Gambling: Listings may not promote online gambling for money or money's worth, including digital currencies.

  9. Hazardous Goods and Materials: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of hazardous materials and substances.

  10. Human Exploitation and Sexual Services: Listings may not promote any form of human trafficking, prostitution, escort, or sexual services.

  11. Ingestible Supplements: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of ingestible supplements.

  12. Jobs: Listings on commerce products may not promote job opportunities.

  13. Land, Animals, and Animal Products: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of animals, animal parts, or land in ecological conservation areas.

  14. Medical and Healthcare Products: Listings may not promote medical and healthcare products and services, including medical devices or smoking cessation products containing nicotine.

  15. Misleading, Violent, or Hateful: Listings may not contain misleading, violent, or hateful products and offers.

  16. No Item for Sale: Listings may not promote content that does not offer any product for sale.

  17. Prescription Products, Drugs, and Drug Paraphernalia: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of drugs, drug paraphernalia, or prescription products.

  18. Recalled Products: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of recalled products.

  19. Services: Services may not be listed.

  20. Sexually Positioned Products: Listings may not position products or services in a sexually suggestive manner.

  21. Stolen Goods: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of stolen items.

  22. Subscriptions and Digital Products: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of downloadable digital content, digital subscriptions, and digital accounts.

  23. Third-Party Infringement: Listings may not infringe upon or violate the intellectual property rights of any third party, including copyright or trademark.

  24. Tobacco Products and Related Paraphernalia: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of tobacco products or tobacco paraphernalia.

  25. Used Cosmetics: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of used cosmetics or those not sold in their original packaging.

  26. Vehicle Parts and Accessories: Listings may not promote the buying, selling, or trading of certain vehicle parts and accessories.

  27. Weapons, Ammunition, and Explosives: Listings may not promote the buying or selling of weapons, ammunition, and explosives.

Please ensure that your listings comply with these guidelines to maintain a positive and safe environment on Dezamarket.

Restricted Content on Dezamarket

  1. Events or Admission Tickets: The buying and selling of tickets is restricted.

  2. Gift Cards and Vouchers: The buying and selling of gift cards or vouchers is restricted.

  3. Pet Adoption Matching Services: Pet adoption matching services are restricted to vetted partners.

Please be aware that the sale of these items or services is subject to restrictions on Dezamarket. Ensure compliance with these restrictions when listing such content.

Our Commitment

We are dedicated to ensuring that Dezamarket remains a secure and welcoming platform for all users. While we reserve the right to review, approve, or remove listings as needed to uphold our policies, we also value your feedback and suggestions.

Continuous Improvement

Dezamarket's policies are subject to updates and improvements. We encourage our users to stay informed about our policies and review them regularly. Your feedback helps us enhance our platform and make it even better for the Dezamarket community.

Remember, our goal is to provide a positive and reliable marketplace experience for everyone. By using Dezamarket, you play a crucial role in achieving this objective.

Thank you for being a part of Dezamarket!