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Privacy and data protection

Updated June 10 2024

Welcome to Dezamarket! Please take a moment to review our Privacy Policy carefully. Your engagement with the Dezamarket website and platform implies your consent to abide by this Privacy Policy.

1. Information Provided Through the Service:

Any information you furnish through Dezamarket, whether it's product listings or other submissions, falls under the purview of our Privacy Policy. You affirm and assure that all information you provide is both accurate and comprehensive, and you commit to maintaining and updating it as necessary.

2. Platform Policies:

When using Dezamarket, you are bound by our platform policies, which encompass directives regarding prohibited items, services, and our code of conduct. You can find these policies on our website.

3. Registration; Usernames and Passwords:

To fully utilize Dezamarket, you may find it necessary to complete a registration process. We retain the right to reject or request alterations to your registration details. For your account's security, please safeguard your username and password, as you are accountable for all activities linked to your account. If you suspect any compromise of your account information, it is imperative that you promptly notify us. Should you choose to register using social media credentials, you grant us permission to access, employ, and store your social media information, consistent with the terms delineated in our Privacy Policy.

4. Product Listings:

Dezamarket serves as a platform enabling users to create and browse product listings. It is important to note that these listings are the creations of users, not Dezamarket. We do not partake in the sale, rental, or provision of any products. Except as expressly outlined in this Privacy Policy, we bear no responsibility for these product listings. It is strongly advised to exercise prudence and employ common sense when engaging in transactions related to product listings.

The presence or promotion of any product listing on Dezamarket should not be construed as an endorsement on our part. Information associated with listings is subject to change without prior notice, and we retain the authority to remove listings for any reason.

By publishing a product listing, you affirm that you possess the requisite authority and permissions to do so.

5. Submissions:

You have the option to submit information that personally identifies you through product listings and various interactive channels on Dezamarket. You are fully responsible for your submissions. We do not exert control over how third parties may employ or misuse your submissions.

6. License:

While you maintain ownership of your submissions, you grant us an international, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, and sublicensable license to utilize your submissions for a variety of purposes, including promotional activities. Should you furnish us with feedback, it will be categorized as a submission, and you bestow similar rights upon us.

By making these grants, you affirm that you hold the requisite rights to confer these licenses and that your submissions are comprehensive, accurate, and in compliance with applicable laws.

7. Oversight:

We retain the prerogative to monitor, assess, amend, or delete your postings on Dezamarket and to evaluate your usage of the platform. We may disclose information pertaining to your Dezamarket usage to any party for any reason or purpose, all in accordance with our Disclosure Statement.

8. Your Limited Rights:

Dezamarket is a service designed exclusively for end users, and it does not entail the transfer of any rights. We hereby grant you permission to install and use the Dezamarket Application on a mobile device that you own or control, strictly for your personal use and in compliance with this Agreement. This permission remains valid for the duration during which Dezamarket allows you to use the Application. Should you fail to adhere to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you are required to take the following actions:

  • Cease all use of the Application immediately.
  • Uninstall the Application from your mobile device, including its complete removal.
  • Refrain from using the Application on any mobile device until express permission to do so is granted, which may occur at a later time. Please be aware that declining system permissions requested by the application may result in your inability to access certain features or use the application altogether. You are also responsible for acquiring, maintaining, and covering the costs of any hardware, telecommunications, or other services required to utilize the Dezamarket Service.

Furthermore, provided you adhere to this Agreement and for as long as Dezamarket grants you access to the Site, you are authorized to view one (1) copy of any part of the Site accessible to you under this Agreement. This authorization is for your personal, non-commercial use on any device.

9. Company's Property Rights:

Within the context of the Dezamarket Service, the Site and Application are the exclusive property of Dezamarket. Our trade names, trademarks, and service marks, including DEZAMARKET and associated logos, are part of our intellectual property. All trade names, trademarks, service marks, and logos on the Service that are not our property belong to their respective owners. You are not permitted to utilize our trade names, trademarks, service marks, or logos in conjunction with any product or service that is not affiliated with Dezamarket or in any manner that may cause confusion. Nothing contained in the Service should be interpreted as granting any right to use any trade name, trademark, service mark, or logo without the express written consent of the owner.

10. Third Party Materials:

While using the Dezamarket Service, you may access specific information, products, services, and materials provided by third parties, including Product Listings and other Offerings collectively referred to as "Third Party Materials."

It's crucial to note that we neither control nor endorse Third Party Materials. Dezamarket bears no responsibility for Third Party Materials and makes no representations or warranties concerning them. We may not actively monitor Third Party Materials and reserve the right to block or disable access to Third Party Materials through the Service at any given time. The availability of Third Party Materials via the Service does not signify our endorsement of the provider of those Third Party Materials or any association with said provider.

Your use of Third Party Materials is conducted at your own risk, and it is subject to any additional terms and policies imposed by the providers of those Third Party Materials, such as the TERMS OF SERVICE specified by such providers.

11. Promotions:

Promotions offered through the Dezamarket Service, including sweepstakes, contests, surveys, games, or similar activities, may be subject to rules that are distinct from this Agreement. If you decide to participate in any Promotion, we encourage you to review the applicable rules. In cases where Promotion rules conflict with this Agreement, the rules associated with the specific Promotion will take precedence.


To the greatest extent permitted by applicable law:

  • The Dezamarket Service and any Third Party Materials are provided by Dezamarket "AS IS," "WHERE IS," and "WHERE AVAILABLE," with no warranties, whether expressed, implied, or statutory.
  • Dezamarket disclaims all warranties regarding the Dezamarket Service, Product Listings, and Third Party Materials, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, and title.
  • Any limitations of liability, whether in this section or elsewhere within this Agreement, apply equally to Dezamarket and its subsidiaries, as well as their individual successors and assignees.

We cannot guarantee that the Dezamarket Service will be current, complete, accurate, or secure, nor can we ensure uninterrupted access to the Service. Inaccuracies, errors, or material that conflicts with this Agreement may be present in the Dezamarket Service.


To the fullest extent allowed by applicable law:

  • Dezamarket shall not be held responsible for any loss of profits, data usage, or other intangible assets, whether due to contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, or any other legal theory, nor shall it be liable for any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, exemplary, or punitive damages, including those related to presentation security.
  • Without limiting the foregoing, Dezamarket shall not be liable for damages resulting from your use of the Dezamarket Service, disputes with other users of the service, or any transactions or transfers related to Product Listings or Third Party Materials.
  • If you are dissatisfied with the Dezamarket Service or Third Party Materials, your sole recourse is to discontinue use of the Service.
  • The total maximum liability of Dezamarket for all damages, losses, and causes of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise, and the total amount of this payment if a payment has been made by you to Dezamarket due to your use of the Dezamarket Service will be limited.

14. Indemnification:

To the maximum extent permissible under applicable law, you agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Dezamarket, its affiliates, and each of their respective successors and assigns from any and all claims, damages, losses, expenses, costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from:

  • Your use of or activities related to Dezamarket, including submissions.
  • Product listings, transactions, or disputes between you and other Dezamarket users.
  • Your breach or alleged breach of this Agreement.

15. Termination:

This agreement is in effect until it ends. Dezamarket can end or suspend your use of the platform anytime without notice, for any reason. After termination, you can't use Dezamarket anymore. Some rules still apply even after this agreement ends.

16. Applicable Law:

This agreement is governed by Zambian law, irrespective of your location. Any legal matters will be resolved within the Zambian jurisdiction. If you're a consumer, you can also explore local dispute resolution mechanisms.

17. Information or Complaints:

If you have questions or complaints, email us at noreply@dezamarket.com. Don't send sensitive info in emails.

18. Jurisdiction Issues:

Dezamarket may not work in some places. We can limit who uses it and where.

19. Changes:

We might change this agreement, but we'll let you know. If you keep using Dezamarket after changes, you agree to them. We can also change or stop Dezamarket anytime, charge fees, or offer new features.

20. Other:

This Agreement does not establish a partnership, joint venture, employer-employee relationship, agency, or franchisor-franchisee affiliation between you and Dezamarket. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is determined to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be considered severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions. You may not assign, transfer, or sublicense any or all of your rights or obligations under this Agreement without our explicit written consent. Dezamarket may assign, transfer, or sublicense any or all of its rights or obligations under this Agreement without restrictions. No waiver by either party of any breach or default under this Agreement shall be construed as a waiver of any prior or subsequent breach or default. Any headings or section titles are for convenience only and do not necessarily define or explain any section or provision. Unless stated otherwise, all defined terms in the singular shall have the same meaning when used in the plural. The use of the phrase "including" or similar variations in this Agreement shall be construed as if followed by the phrase "without limitation." This Agreement, including all terms and conditions contained within, constitutes the entire agreement pertaining to the subject matter and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or understandings, whether written or oral, between you and Dezamarket regarding that subject matter. Notices to you (including notifications of changes to this Agreement) may be issued by posting them on the Service, sending emails (with extensions), or regular mail. Without limitations, the printed version of this Agreement and any notice provided electronically shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings arising from or related to this Agreement to the same extent as original and printed business documents and records are admissible. Dezamarket is the contracting party for this Agreement and all its terms and conditions.

21. Special Apple Terms:

If you use Dezamarket on an Apple device with iOS, here are some additional rules:

  • Apple is not part of this agreement and doesn't own or manage Dezamarket.
  • Apple doesn't guarantee Dezamarket or offer support, but they might refund you if needed.
  • Any complaints or questions about Dezamarket on Apple devices should go to us.
  • You can use Dezamarket on your Apple device, but it's just for you and not transferable.
  • You also need to follow Apple's rules in the App Store.
  • Apple and its subsidiaries have the right to enforce this agreement against you.

22. Cookies:

We use cookies to make Dezamarket work better. These are small files stored on your device to remember your settings and login information. You can manage or delete cookies in your browser settings.

23. Google Analytics:

We use Google Analytics to understand how users use Dezamarket. This helps us improve the platform. Google Analytics collects data like your IP address, device, and how you use Dezamarket. Google's privacy policy applies.

24. Location Services (Optional):

We offer the option to use location services on your device to enhance your experience on Dezamarket. This can help you find listings near your current location. However, we respect your choice, and you can also manually select your preferred location from our database if you prefer not to use your current location. We do not store your precise location; instead, we use a general area to provide relevant results. You can control location settings in your device preferences.

25. Theme and Device Information:

We may store theme preferences and device information on your device to personalize your experience on Dezamarket. Rest assured, we do not share this information with others.

Here is a revised version of your privacy policy section with corrections for grammar and clarity:

26. Delete Your Dezamarket Account:

When you delete your account, your profile, photos, messages, conversations, listings, listing photos, favorites, and access tokens will be permanently removed. Note: other users you shared a conversation with may still retain a copy of the messages until they also delete them permanently.

For security reasons, we can't delete an account for you. You’ll need to log into your account to request deletion. If you can't remember your password or username, you can request a new password to gain access to your account.

To Request Permanent Deletion:

  1. Go to your profile page.
  2. Click on the Settings or Edit Profile button.
  3. Once you're on the settings page, scroll down and find the Delete Account section.
  4. Click on the Delete Account button. For security, a confirmation email will be sent to the email associated with the account to confirm the deletion request.
  5. Enter the code and confirm to start the account deletion process.

Note: Once your account is deleted, you cannot log in or sign up using the same email.

That's it! These sections cover important aspects of using Dezamarket.